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Pre-procurement Market Engagement Briefing

Thames Tideway Tunnel Limited is an organisation set up to construct a major new sewer, urgently needed to protect the River Thames from increasing pollution (the ‘PProject’). The PProject will tackle the problem of overflows from the capital’s Victorian sewers for at least the next 100 years, and assist the UK in meeting European environmental standards.

A separate procurement process is underway to select an investor to participate in a major new regulated utility company, the Infrastructure Provider (IP), who will deliver the Project from Licence Award (July 2015).

A Liaison Committee consisting of leaders from Thames Water, the IP, and the Secretary of State is being formed to oversee the Project’s progress and resolve high level issues. Ofwat and the Environment Agency are also invited to attend the Liaison Committee and receive all reports provided to the Liaison Committee. This committee will meet regularly and requires independent technical assistance in the performance of its duties.

The Project is intending to procure an Independent Technical Assessor (ITA) in parallel with procuring the IP, the main tunnelling works and all enabling works. The role of the ITA, will be to objectively and independently review, evaluate, comment and advise a range of stakeholders on the IP and Thames Water’s assessment of ongoing Project performance and delivery of the Project (primarily that relating to the Project costs and schedule).

The ITA will be required to attend quarterly Liaison Committee meetings (attended by OFWAT, the Secretary of State, the IP and Thames Water) and other ad hoc meetings as requested and to assist the Liaison Committee with advice concerning any major variations and disputes between the Parties.

The ITA will have a duty of care to OFWAT, the Secretary of State, the IP and Thames Water and these obligations will be set out in an ITA Deed of Appointment.

It is estimated that the contract value will be in the region of £6m to £8m for the term of the Project. The ITA services are anticipated to commence at Licence Award, currently scheduled for July 2015.

We are seeking appropriately skilled organisations from the technical, financial and/or Project services advisory market place that may be interested in these services to attend a market engagement briefing to help further shape the procurement package strategy.

We would preferably like to hear from those organisations who have demonstrable previous experience and capability delivering similar services.

Organisations with relevant experience and capabilities who would like to attend this forthcoming Market Engagement Briefing on Tuesday, 27 January 2015 in London, should contact Jennifer Charteris ([email protected]) for more information.
