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Tideway Chief Financial Officer to stand down in 2018

Mark Corben, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for Tideway, has decided to step down next year.

Tideway Chairman Sir Neville Simms commented: “Mark has played a major role in getting Tideway off the ground. He has been with the project for more than five years and was pivotal when we were setting up the company in 2015. Mark has led our successful financing programme, which means the project is now well financed to the end of construction.

“With that financing programme well advanced and the project entering a new phase next year as we start tunnelling, Mark felt it would be the right time to stand down and to seek new challenges. I would like to thank him on behalf of the Board and personally, for his very significant contribution.”

Tideway expects to appoint a new CFO before Mark’s departure next summer to allow for a smooth transition and handover.
