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Victoria connects with main tunnel

Victoria connects with main tunnel

A 17m-long tunnel has been excavated 45m deep below the River Thames to connect the shaft structure to the main super sewer tunnel at Victoria Embankment. 

Once operational, the tunnel will transport raw, intercepted sewage, into the main Thames Tideway Tunnel. 

The tunnel was constructed using a sprayed concrete lining technique. This technique involves digging forward one metre before spraying the exposed ground around the tunnel with concrete. 

The exterior of the segments being used to line the main tunnel are now visible; however the team will not break through into the main tunnel until the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) being used to dig the main tunnel, Ursula, has completed her journey to Tideway's Chambers Wharf site in Bermondsey.  

Victoria Embankment is the second site on the project to connect to the main tunnel, as a similar tunnel was constructed at Albert Embankment Foreshore in January.

