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Tideway supports the Living Wage movement

This week is Living Wage Week and marks the first year of Tideway becoming a London Wage Employer.

This is a formal commitment ensuring that all staff, employed directly or indirectly by Tideway, are paid the Living Wage - the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet their basic needs, calculated independently each year by the Living Wage Foundation.

The importance of this commitment has only increased further within the past year, with the pandemic showing just how crucial the role of those typically in lower than average paid roles, such as cleaners or care workers, are to society. 

The #LivingWage movement has already lifted 240,000 people out of in-work poverty but 21 per cent of all workers in the UK still don't earn a real Living Wage and cannot make ends meet.

"Being paid a Living Wage helps individuals to spend more quality time with their families and communities without having to worry about affording the basics and being able to save money for a rainy day," says Monica Lobo, Tideway's Skills and Employment Manager. 

"Paying the Living Wage is not only the right thing to do, it is also good for business. Many of our local authorities and the Great London Authority are Living Wage employers and supporters; some have already recognised that one of Tideway’s strengths is knowing that employees will be paid a fair salary."

Paying the Living Wage is also aligned with Tideway’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing values as it means workers don’t become overtired from working multiple jobs to pay their bills.

Individuals can also support the Living Wage movement by using services and shops that are a Living Wage Employer.
