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Welcome to Soundscape:

London Thames

KS1 & KS2 Soundscape

Introducing the Thames Tideway Tunnel. Watch the video to find out why we need to clean up the River Thames.

There are three ways to play the music in the presentations:

Presentation One: Plays the music with the sound effects embedded but no images.
Presentation Two: Plays the music with the sound effects embedded and images.
Presentation Three: Plays the music without the sound effects or images.

There are follow-up lesson plans for music and dance, and a tool kit of extension ideas in literacy, geography and history. It is adaptable for the requirements of any class and could also be used as a whole school project. 

We’d be delighted to see examples of your class’s work so please scan and email them to us via the Contact us page

Please note: The videos are designed to be used in a classroom environment where pupils guess the sounds they hear. Therefore, audio description and captions will not be provided for this content as doing so would invalidate the task.

Soundscape Audio only

Soundscape Music only

Soundscape Audio Visual

Soundscape Lesson Plan KS1


Soundscape Lesson Plan KS2

Student Notes

Soundscape Student Sheets

Teachers Notes

Soundscape Teachers' Notes