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Reconnecting London with the River Thames

London's super sewer is now protecting the river from pollution.

We’ve switched on the new super sewer which is now doing its job to clean up the River Thames. Every time it rains, our hi-tech computers are calculating how much of your sewage is filling the tunnel networkinstead of spilling into the river. A good job well done (even if we do say so ourselves).

0 M 3
sewage diverted from the River Thames*

*into the London Tideway Tunnel system since August 2024. Data last updated 27/03/2025.

What is a cubic metre (m³)?

1,000,000m³ is the equivalent of 400 Olympic-sized swimming pools, which if you put out in a row would stretch for 20km!


Tideway's commitment on modern slavery

Modern slavery and human trafficking are atrocious forms of organised crime in which people
are treated as commodities and exploited for criminal gain. Tideway is committed to improving
our practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

Click here for our full statement.