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Shad Thames Pumping Station

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The work being undertaken here is being led by Thames Water, and will improve management of storm flows by utilising existing storage in the sewers upstream of the pumping station. The work area includes a section within Shad Thames Pumping Station, as well as the stretch of Maguire Street between Shad Thames and Gainsford Street.

The work being undertaken here is being led by Thames Water, and will improve management of storm flows by utilising existing storage in the sewers upstream of the pumping station. The work area includes a section within Shad Thames Pumping Station, as well as the stretch of Maguire Street between Shad Thames and Gainsford Street. 

A new pipeline and manhole chamber have been constructed underneath Maguire Street to connect with the existing Thames Water local sewer network. This new section of pipework will take wastewater from Shad Thames to Beckton Sewage Treatment Works, via Greenwich Pumping Station, instead of discharging wastewater from the Combined Sewer Overflow at Butlers Wharf into the River Thames. This work will dramatically reduce this discharge quantity at the Butlers Wharf CSO from over thirty times a year to approximately four times a year.

The construction work here is now complete and the remaining work is to test and check the newly constructed installations and equipment for operational integrity. 

Shad Thames Pumping Station

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